A COURT has given a former Winchester election candidate more time to pay a fine imposed eight years ago.

Teresa Skelton, 63, of Hyde Close, Hyde, was fined £222.59 on April 29, 2016. 

A summons for the outstanding payment was made by Basingstoke Magistrates' Court. 

On March 28, the court said that Skelton has to pay the fine at a rate of £5 per month, starting on April 25.

READ MORE HERE: Election candidate criticises neighbours for Clap for Carers

Skelton, also known as Morse, contested the Winchester and Chandler’s Ford seat at the 2017 and 2019 General Elections for the Justice and Anti-Corruption Party.

In spring 2020 at the height of Covid she criticised her neighbours for “clapping like seals” by joining the rest of the country in the Clap for Carers each Thursday evening. Standing at her upstairs open window and shouting into the street she branded them “idiots” and “gullible sheep”.

The court record did not give details of her original offence in 2016.